Health in Motion

Myofascial Release and Manual Therapy

Myofascial Release and Manual Therapy
Myofascial release, often referred to as trigger-point therapy, involves the application of gentle-yet-firm pressure to specific areas along the body known as pressure or trigger points. A skilled physical therapist trained in pressure-point release applies gentle pressure via touch. Sometimes, a therapist may choose to use certain devices or tools to assist with force application.
Myofascial Release and Manual Therapy

Myofascial Release and Manual Therapy

Myofascial release relaxes and normalizes trigger points in the fascia, the body’s sheath-like, fibrous tissue that encases all muscles, nerves, bones, blood vessels and organs. Fascia, normally pliant and flexible, protects these internal structures and supports normal, coordinated movement. When fascia becomes restricted due to poor posture, injury, repetitive movement, poor nutrition, dehydration and stress, restrictions occur that can cause pain and immobility as well as increase the risk of injury. Myofascial release eases these restrictions to improve movement patterns and overall well being.
Myofascial Release and Manual Therapy