Patti Gehman

Patti Gehman
Patti Gehman

Physical Therapist

Patricia (Patti) Gehman has practiced with Health in Motion Physical Therapy + Wellness since 2002. A graduate of the University of Pittsburgh, she consistently seeks learning opportunities to expand her expertise and skill set. Most recently, Patti’s continued studies have focused on Women’s Health/Pelvic Care, visceral manipulation with the Barral Institute, and Heart Centered Therapy with the Chikly Institute. Prior to coming to Montana, Patti practiced in Arizona and Pennsylvania in a variety of inpatient and outpatient settings.

Patti enjoys supporting patients with a range of physical imbalances, injuries and dysfunction; she’s particularly passionate about working with individuals willing to actively participate in their care. Her treatment sessions are guided by honoring the impact of the autonomic nervous system on the fascial network, structure and form.

The study and practice of Svaroopa Yoga and Watsu bring qualities of presence, non-judgement and embodiment to Patti’s treatment sessions. She is a gifted listener, both to patients’ words and the implicit language between; additionally, she observes alignment and movement patterns to piece together one’s history and presentation to develop a sustainable, holistic treatment plan. Patti loves helping patients realize their own healing potential and deepen their relationship with themselves. With both seriousness and a sense of fun, treatments with Patti have a lasting impact.